During this time we at Northern trans-a-matic are here to serve you. we hope that you and your family are safe and supported during this stressful time. We are taking all necessary precautions to help stop the spread of this virus. We are disinfecting vehicles as they come in and when we are finished working on them. We are also available to pick up and deliver your vehicle to help with those that are quarantined as well as those that are uncomfortable coming tho our shop. Please contact us to see how we can help you.
Transmission Repair - Prince George British Columbia
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During this time we are still open to serve you as needed. We hope that all your family and friends are safe and supported during this time. To echo what everyone is saying WE WILL GET THRU THIS TOGHETER. We are taking measures to safefdgaurd our staff as well as you the customer. We are disinfecting every vehicle that we come into contact with before and after repair. We will pick vehicles up and return them to you if this is something that you need to have done. We would be happy to assist you in any way that we can. Please follow all the guid lines that we are being asked to by the experts.